Matt Hartman: Data Scientist

Data Analytics and Machine Learning Portfolio

About Me

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U.S. Army (Airborne!) veteran, lover of all things data and code, and looking for an entry-level data-analytics or AI developer position.

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Featured Projects:

Supervised Machine Learning: Multiple Linear Regression
Multiple Linear Regression Model

Predicting Rent Prices for Apartments in New York City.

This project uses a multiple linear regression model with Python to predict residential rent prices for apartments in Manhattan. I used a dataset from StreetEasy, a NYC real estate search engine owned by Zillow, Inc.

Supervised Machine Learning: K-Nearest Neighbors Classification
Optimal K value

Predicting breast cancer with KNN.

This project uses sciekit-learn's KNN classifier on sklearn's built-in breast cancer dataset to predict whether a patient has breast cancer. I also find and graph the optimal k-values for the best accuracy.

Supervised Machine Learning: Logistic Regression
Survival by sex

Predicting survival of Titanic passengers using logistic regression.

This project uses logistic regression to predict whether real passengers on the Titanic survived.

The resulting article can be found here.

My Resume

Matt's resume in an interactive format:
partial screenshot of web resume

View my resume in an interactive format.

Please reach out to me through email for a downloadable copy in the format of your choice.